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Family Involvement


As we welcome volunteers to school each day we must also take great consideration for student safety. Please understand that our protocols are in place to do just that, protect All children. 

Mini Background Check

No charge. Form must be filled out to volunteer in the classrooms, cafeteria, or on a field trip. You must always be in the presence of a teacher or other school staff. Form can be filled out online by clicking HERE or there are hard-copies in our front door vestibule. Volunteers are welcome to begin their service once information has been submitted. Please know that you will only be notified if the results of your background check indicate that a record has been found.

Full Background Check

This is for those who will be working alone with students, or alone with them on field trips.  Please check with your child's teacher first that you will for sure need this. After you have done this then continue on with the following:

Please email with your name and request. She will forward your name and email on to our HR. They will then email you additional information. Again this is only for those who will be working alone with students. Otherwise please do a mini-background check. 

On the day of volunteering, sign in to the green book in the front entrance and pick up an orange visitor sticker. The sticker must be worn and visible while you are in the building. This allows all staff to know that you have signed in at the office and are cleared to be on the Lester Park School property. When you complete your volunteer time, please sign out in the green binder.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in supporting child safety!


Parents are an integral part of our school community! They volunteer in classrooms, run the Scholastic Book Fairs, organize the Spring Carnival, help with Prime Time Friday Night, donate meals for staff at conference time, help students and photographers on picture day... and so much more!  

We invite you to participate in the Lester Park PTA by becoming a member. It's a wonderful way to meet other parents, network, and learn about Lester Park and all the wonderful activities and learning practices that students experience. Memberships for the school year are Family-$20, and Student/General/Staff-$15.

We look forward to continuing to pursue the mission of the PTA, which is to promote the health and welfare of children and youth and seek to promote collaboration between parents, schools, and the community at large.

Lester Park PTA Facebook


The Lester Park Foundation believes that public education is the backbone of our community.  

We support a variety of after-school academic-enrichment programs, and provide staff grants to allow  teachers and staff to purchase materials and implement programs in their classrooms and throughout the school that the current budget is unable to support.

Lester Park Elementary School Foundation

Please direct any questions, comments, or ideas to any board member- or email us at
The programs we are planning to offer again for the 2018-2019 school year are as follows:

  • Language Clubs 
  • Destination Imagination 
  • Lego Robotics 

Your tax deductible donations are always welcomed! You may donate through
Amazon Smile donate .5%

Foundation Facebook